Accepted Students
The University of Washington’s Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps conducts an annual orientation prior to the start of the fall quarter. Throughout the week incoming midshipmen will learn the expectations of Husky Battalion morally, mentally, and physically.
To familiarize prospective Midshipmen with:
- Military customs and courtesies
- Uniform regulations
- Height and Weight standards
- Navy and Marine Corps Fitness Standards
- Close order drill
- NROTC Program
- Various career options (Aviation, Surface Warfare, Submarines, Marine Corps, etc.)
- Emphasize the importance of teamwork, leadership, and core values
Reporting to UW NROTC
You are required to arrive at Clark Hall (2103 Skagit Lane, Seattle, WA 98195) no later than 0530 on Monday, 16 September 2024.
You are required to wear the Physical Training Uniform (PTU) if you have attended NSI, or civilian workout attire if you have not attended NSI.
You will need to have the following documents on your possession when reporting to the command:
- Immunization record
- Birth certificate and other identification (e.g. driver’s license)
- Reporting-in letter from Naval Service Training Command (scholarship students only)
- All administrative paperwork
- Bank information (account and routing numbers, and direct deposit capability)
- Doctor’s note detailing your ability to engage in physical activity (only applies to non-scholarship students entering the College Program)
- Receipts for travel expenses incurred from home to UW (travel may be reimbursed for scholarship students only)
Should you have any questions regarding the required documents mentioned above, contact the New Student Orientation Admin Officer and Admin Chief immediately:
- MIDN 1/C Matthew Schreiner, mschr25@uw.edu
- MIDN 3/C Connor Sudol, clsudol@uw.edu
Initial Preparation for NSO
Along with completing all of the necessary paperwork, you must complete the following action items to be fully prepared for New Student Orientation.
- Attend a UW or Seattle U Advising and Orientation session prior to NSO.
- You must ensure you have set up all of your housing requirements.
- Obtain a Husky Card (student ID) in your possession.
- Register for N SCI 101 and N SCI 110, in addition to your other classes.
- NOTE: When registering for classes, you may be asked for an “add code” for the NSCI 101 course. Contact the New Student Orientation Administration Officer to receive your add code. If you are a Seattle University student, you will be unable to register until you arrive. You will, however, need to leave a block in your schedule on Tuesday and Thursday from 1400 to 1520, or Monday and Wednesday from 1400 to 1520.
- Become intimately familiar with the Welcome Aboard Guide and the New Student Orientation Tri-fold:
- Ensure you are within all grooming and weight standards prior to arriving and that you are wearing the Physical Training Uniform (PTU) if you have attended NSI, or civilian workout attire if you have not attended NSI when reporting in (see “Grooming Standards and Proper Day One Attire” section).
UW Students:
Students who intend on residing in the dorms during the school year must apply for early arrival. Applying for early arrival will allow you to gain access to your dorm room prior to New Student Orientation. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS. The UW NROTC program has no authority within the realm of roommate selection or assignment; such decisions remain your responsibility. It is strongly advised that you apply for a dorm room on North Campus, as it is the closest to Clark Hall. If you have any questions about the application process, please contact the student services office (contact information below). You will need to inquire about Early Arrival Housing with respect to UW NROTC program.
Instructions for applying for early arrival housing:
- Set up your UW NetID
- This must be completed at least 5 days before you apply for housing
- Set up your UW email account
- Complete your Housing and Food Services (HFS) Student Profile
- Link is only accessible once you have a MyUW account
- Apply for Housing using MyHFS
- Apply for Early Arrival Housing
- When applying for early arrival housing, put the reason as “ROTC” and the verifying UW employee as Jon-Paul Mickle, navadmin@uw.edu.
- Application opens 16 August 2024
- Deadline is TBA, but complete your application ASAP.
- Student Services Office
- hfsinfo@uw.edu
- (206) 543-4059
SU Students:
Similarly to UW Seattle, the UW NROTC program has no authority with the realm of roommate selection or assignment; such decision is your responsibility.
- Set up for SU account
- Apply for housing through your SU housing portal
- Once you have a housing assignment, apply for early arrival, by filling out the form on your SU housing portal
- Fill out the form ASAP
- Put the reason as NROTC
- This is the first year SU students need to move in early, if you have questions are run into issues, contact the NSO Admin Officer and Admin Chief immediately
Husky Card Account
As a UW student, you have a student debit account that can be accessed with your Husky Card. The Husky Card can be used for UW affiliated services, which includes dining facilities, parking, and laundry services. You must verify that your card works before arriving at New Student Orientation. Funds can be added to your Husky Card Account by accessing the Online Card Office or by visiting the Husky Card Account and ID Center on campus. The physical office is located on the ground floor of the Odegaard Undergraduate Library, but business hours may conflict with the NSO training, therefore, all issues or concerns must be addressed before arrival.
Husky Card Online Access
Grooming Standards and Proper Day One Attire
You must adhere to the grooming standards and appropriate civilian attire regulations; therefore, you must read the applicable sections by visiting the following links:
Navy Regulations:
You must adhere to the grooming standards and appropriate civilian attire regulations; therefore, you must read the applicable sections by visiting the following links:
Chapter 2 Section 2 – Personal Appearance This section contains general Navy regulations regarding personal appearance. Arrive at NSO in compliance with Navy grooming standards. Pay special attention to shave and haircut.
Chapter 7 Section 1 – Civilian Clothing This section contains general Navy regulations regarding civilian clothing. Arrive at NSO in compliance with the civilian clothing standards. Ensure that a belt is present if the pants worn has belt loops.
Marine Corps Regulations:
Marine Corps Uniform Regulations
The aforementioned section contains general Marine Cops regulations regarding personal appearance and civilian clothing. Arrive at NSO in compliance with Marine Corps grooming and clothing standards. Pay special attention to the shave, haircut, the shoes you wear, and proper belt wear.
- Naval Science courses are required for the Autumn (A), Winter (W), and Spring (Sp) quarters during each year. Freshmen classes: NSCI 101 (Au), 102 (Wi), 103 (Sp). Incoming freshmen should register for NSCI 101 during their UW orientation. Each of these classes is 3 credits.
- All students enroll in NSCI 110 each academic quarter. This is for regular Tuesday morning drill lab, which will take place prior to the start of the day’s classes. NSCI 110 is a zero-credit course.
- Marine option students may register for NSCI 115: Fundamentals of Marine Corps Organization, Training and Equipment, if the total number of credits registered would be 18 or under.
- The NROTC program incorporates additional academic requirements beyond those required for your major. These include two quarters of calculus and calculus-based physics, English writing, an American history or national security policy course, and a non-western world culture or regional studies course. For more detail, consult the required classes guide.
- NROTC regulations require that students take between 15 and 18 credits; any deviation must be approved by the Commanding Officer via chain of command. Note that NSCI 110 will not count for any credits, but other NSCI classes will count for 3 each.
- Failure to pass classes or advance in accordance with UW policy may result in disenrollment. Attendance at all classes and labs is mandatory for NROTC students.
- Students meet with NROTC company advisors quarterly (at a minimum) to discuss progress and performance.
- Students should be aware that transitioning into both the Naval ROTC unit and college in general takes significant adjustment. Taking both Calculus and Calculus-based physics during the first quarter has proven to be very difficult for students in the past.
- Students are expected to report to the University of Washington with basic swimming skills and the ability to pass, at minimum, the Navy 3rd Class Swimmer test with the goal of reaching 2nd Class Swimmer standards before commissioning. Failure to qualify as a 3rd Class Swimmer by the end of your first academic year will render you ineligible to participate in further summer training as well as a review of your aptitude for commissioning.
- Students who qualify at the 3rd Class Swimmer level will be required to be retested annually; those that meet 2nd Class Swimmer criteria will be exempt from future testing.
- A video that illustrates these tests, as well as the grading criteria, can be found here.
- The 3rd class swim test consists of stepping off a platform at least five feet above the water, a 50-yd. swim using any stroke, a five-minute prone float, and shirt/trouser inflation. The 2nd Class test includes the deep-water jump; a 100-yard swim demonstrating breaststroke, sidestroke, elementary backstroke, and crawl; and an additional float.
- You are required to become familiar with the requirements of these tests and practice your swimming skills over the summer. The 3rd and 2nd Class swim tests will be administered during the school year. If you have any questions about these requirements or the testing criteria, please contact the New Student Orientation Admin Officer and Admin Chief.
- Be sure to bring proper swimwear to NSO, as a swimming PT will be conducted. Swimwear shall be dark blue or black in color. Bikinis or other two-piece suits are not authorized.
Physical Training Guidelines
Students are regularly tested in physical aptitude through the Physical Readiness Test (Navy Options), Physical Fitness Test (Marine Options), and Combat Fitness Test (Marine Options). A PRT/PFT will be conducted during NSO.
NSO will also include regular physical training, so ensure that you arrive in good shape. Meeting only the minimum standards for the PRT/PFT is not the level of fitness that is expected from UW midshipmen.
Failure to meet “good-low” standards in push-ups, forearm planks, and the 1.5-mile run during New Student Orientation will result in immediate disciplinary action which may include a hold on financial support from the scholarship and can lead to dismissal from the program.
- Navy Physical Readiness Test (PRT) Standards:
- For males age 20-24 the “good-low” standard is 47 push-ups, a forearm plank longer than 1 minute 40 seconds, and a 1.5 mile run faster than 12 minutes.
- For females, the “good-low” standard is 21 push-ups, a forearm plank longer than 1 minute 30 seconds, and a 1.5 mile run faster than 14 minutes and 15 seconds.
- More information about the PRT can be found here: PRT guide
- Push-up and Forearm Plank Demonstrations
- Ensure you are within the Navy height and weight standards
Marine Corps
- USMC Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
- Males 17-20 must run faster than 27 minutes and 40 seconds on the three-mile run, do 4 pull-ups, and a 1:10 plank.
- Females 17-20 must run faster than 30 minutes and 40 seconds on the three-mile run, do 1 pull-up, and a 1:10 plank.
- USMC Combat Fitness Test (CFT)
- Males 17-20 must conduct the 880-yard run faster than 3 minutes and 45 seconds, conduct 62 ammo can lifts, and run the maneuver under fire portion faster than 3 minutes and 17 seconds.
- Females 17-20 must conduct the 880-yard run faster than 4 minutes and 36 seconds, conduct 30 ammo can lifts, and run the maneuver under fire portion faster than 4 minutes and 53 seconds.
- Ensure you meet the Marine Corps’ Body Composition Standards:
- Click here for more information about Marine Corps Fitness
Incidental Expenses
Ensure that you have two forms of payment for food and other expenses. (e.g. debit/credit card and Husky card with dining plan)
Examples of common expenses during NSO:
- Meals at the Center Table dining hall; must be paid with the Husky Card account or a credit card.
- Uniform items include: a new package of white crewneck undershirts and black shoe polish ($15 for full kit). Students may bring their own items or purchase items prior to NSO.
- Campus parking permit. Prices vary; therefore, you must contact the Transportation Services at parkops@uw.edu for more information.
Point of Contact Information
- New Student Orientation Admin Officer
- Email: mschr25@uw.edu
- New Student Orientation Admin Chief
- Email: clsudol@uw.edu
- Student Services Office
- Email: hfsinfo@uw.edu
- Phone: (206) 543-4059
- HFS Student Services
- Husky Card Account and ID Center
- Email: huskycrd@uw.edu
- Phone: (206) 543-7222
- Husky Card
- UW Transportation Services
- Email: parkops@uw.edu
- Phone: (206) 685-1553
- UW Transportation
Marine Corps Enlisted Commissioning Educational Program (MECEP) and Seaman to Admiral – 21 (STA-21) are programs sponsored by the US Marine Corps and US Navy to provide a path for enlisted Marines and Sailors to become Commissioned Officers. Upon selection, they will receive PCS orders to their respective university where they will be attached to the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps unit to complete their undergraduate degree. During their tenure as a student, they will continue to receive their respective pay and allowances in accordance with Navy and Marine Corps regulations. STA-21 will be put into the In-active Ready Reserve which means your active duty time in service will stop until earning a commissioning. However, MECEP will continue to accrue active duty time in service towards retirement.
Checking In
When check in date is approaching you should have already been in touch with your sponsor for some time.
Check-in will be initially conducted in the Admin Office. Officer Candidates will wear Service Khakis while MECEPs will wear the Service Alphas. Check in time is between 0800 and 1100, Monday-Friday.
Please call ahead to ensure that the appropriate staff will be present, or if checking in before 1100 is not possible.
The Admin Office is located in Clark Hall on the second deck, room 201. Enter through the front of the building, up the steps to the second deck, turn right, then enter the office immediately to the right. It is clearly labeled.
UW NROTC Admin |
(206) 543-0170 |
After checking in with admin, MECEPS must check in with the unit’s Assistant Marine Officer Instructor. Please call ahead to arrange an appointment:
Gunnery Sergeant Acosta |
(206) 221-4290 |
In addition to checking in at Clark Hall, MECEPs will need to check in at Joint Base Lewis-McCord. Your sponsor will provide more detailed information.
Joint Base Lewis-McCord |
(253) 968-7156 or (253) 988-1071 |
Sponsorship Info
You will be contacted by a current member of the battalion (i.e., OC or MECEP) during your time at NSI. If you have not been contacted within 2 weeks after your arrival at NSI, please contact the alternate sponsor coordinator to request an assignment of a sponsor.
Your sponsor will email you a welcome aboard letter containing pertinent information concerning your check in process. Furthermore, your sponsor will be your immediate point of contact to answer any questions or address any issues that may arise.
The primary sponsor coordinator for FY-25 is Lieutenant Kymber Fogt.
Lieutenant Kymber Fogt | |
(206) 221-4178 | kfogt@uw.edu |
The alternate sponsor coordinator:
Gunnery Sergeant Acosta | |
(206) 221-4290 | amoi@uw.edu |
Marines who have been selected to the Marine Enlisted Commissioning Education Program are required to contact the Marine Officer Instructor via phone call or email. You will be assigned a sponsor by the Marine Officer Instructor or Assistant Marine Officer Instructor. Your sponsor will email you a welcome aboard letter containing pertinent information concerning your check in process.Your sponsor will be your immediate point of contact to answer any questions or address any issues that may arise. If for any reason you are unable to communicate with your sponsor, you should direct your communication to the alternate sponsor coordinator.
Primary Sponsor Coordinator:
Capt Schilder | |
(206) 543-0161 | uwmoi@uw.edu |
Alternate Sponsor Coordinator:
GySgt Acosta | |
(206) 221-4290 | amoi@uw.edu |
Housing and Commuting
Students participating in the MECEP or STA-21 program will receive basic allowance for housing under the 98195 zip code.
Once reporting in you will be given 10 days of house hunting leave. If you take this special leave before detaching from your previous command you won’t be allowed to take it again after checking in. Officer Candidates frequently take leave before checking in then take house hunting leave immediately after checking in to take advantage of the lengthy break between NSI and the start of the Summer Quarter.
An Officer Candidate or MECEP will be authorized permissive temporary additional duty for residence hunting after completing his or her initial check-in with the unit.
The member will abide by all Navy or Marine Corps regulations regarding residence hunting. Furthermore, the member must comply with all unit policies regarding commute restrictions and housing policies. You must review the Housing Policy before signing any lease or purchasing a home. All waiver requests must be submitted to the Commanding Officer via your respective change of command.
The University of Washington offers a family housing program which is affordable and within the vicinity of the campus.
It is highly recommended to live as close to the U-District as possible, as you will be commuting to school several days a week for Battalion activities that start at 0630, and likely taking classes five days a week. Parking passes are available for parking close to buildings, but these passes generally cost about $450 a quarter, making driving prohibitively expensive for most situations.
Students who chose to drive to campus usually elect to park in the E18 Parking Lot for $7 a day, or chose to purchase a day pass for $15 to park in a lot much closer to their destination.
Included in every student’s tuition is the U-Pass, which gives unlimited access to all buses and light rails in the area. This makes commuting by bus or light rail the ideal situation for most students who choose to live off campus. It is common for students to choose a more affordable location further from campus, drive to a nearby park and ride, and take a bus to campus, as several buses have stops right outside of Clark Hall.
Seattle traffic can be unpredictable at times; therefore, you must remain mindful of commute times during particular hours and locations.
Commute Times on Washington DOT Website
UW U-Pass Program
One Bus Away
Tricare coverage will be that the Northwest Region. Our command qualifies for Tricare Prime Remote. If you still wish to maintain Tricare Prime, your Primary Care Manager (PCM) can be located at Military Treatment Facility (MTF) Naval Station Everett, Naval Station Bremerton, or Coast Guard Base Seattle (near T-Mobile Park). Coast Guard Base Seattle can handle most routine exams (i.e. PHA).
Military Hospitals or Clinics near Seattle WA
Medical and Dental Records
You can choose to maintain your own medical and dental record. Unless you live nearby a Military Treatment Facility, keeping your medical record is recommended as you may need to visit several different medical facilities in the process of getting a commissioning physical.